Two blonde twins Isabelle ( Izzy ) and Annabel ( Annie ) Woods moved from the UK to the U.S. to enroll in private schools . In this school, its rules , for example they have to wear uniforms , which they do not like . Their mother died and her father worked as a professor and they have to get a scholarship . As it turned out , fellows here and do not like girls decide to hide it .They meet Tiffany , spoiled girl , whose father is one of the sponsors of the school. At the first meeting it substitutes them . Also, girls are introduced to a group of guys scholarship . In this company there is one guy named Chris who loved Annie. Tiffany decides to get rid of the twins . Together with his friend Justin it substitutes Izzy and Chris on the exam , presenting all as if they were using a cheat sheet . Director decides to exclude Izzy and Chris from school , but they say they can prove their innocence in the school court. At trial, the girls are struggling to bring out into the Tiffany. And despite the fact that Tiffany threatened her father , she and Justin expelled from school .
Processing of foods of industry is important that she helps harmlessly ( at least - most harmless) to clean garbage, without practical harm to nature. At incineration of garbage,the enormous amount of carbon dioxide ( and at incinerationof foam rubber, foam plastic, polyethylene bottles in anatmosphere cyanides appear is reason of the mortalpoisoning of man at domestic fires.) is distinguished At amoist weather, burning of fire results in appearance of"smog", connection of steams with smoke.A hit in the lungs of such "smog" inflicts substantial harm tothe health.And if even a little fire is thrown out in an atmosphere by theenormous amount of harmful connections. It is Undifficult topresent that takes place at incineration of large volumes ofdifferent garbage.Timely export of garbage is not simply comfortably, but also extraordinarily safe-health and surrounding ecology man.
Yes, I am - No, I'm not.
Yes, you are - No, you aren't.
Yes, he is - No, he isn't.
Yes, she is - No, she isn't
Yes, it is - No, it isn't.