КАК МОЖНО БЫСТРЕЕ 2. Найдите в тексте предложения с Passive Voice, выпишите их, подчеркнув компоненты Passive. Напишите общую формулу Passive Voice. Переведите эти предложения. 3. Письменно задайте к тексту 8-10 вопросов всех видов на английском языке. Рядом с каждым вопросом в скобках укажите, какой это вид вопроса (общий, специальный и т.п.). A supermarket is a store that sells a wide variety of goods including food and alcohol, medicine, clothes, and other household products that are consumed regularly. It is often part of a chain that owns or controls (sometimes by franchise) other supermarkets located in the same or other towns; this increases the opportunities for economies of scale. Supermarkets usually offer products at low prices by reducing margins. To maintain a profit supermarkets attempt to make up for the low margins with a high volume of sales. Customers usually shop be putting their products into trolleys (shopping carts) or baskets (self-service) and pay for the products at the check-out. At present, many supermarket chains are trying to reduce labour costs (and thus margins) further by shifting to self-service check-out machines, where a group of four or five machines is supervised by a single assistant. A larger full-service supermarket combined with a department store is known as a hypermarket. Other services that supermarkets may have include cafйs, creches, photo development, pharmacies, and/or petrol stations. Early retailers did not trust their customers. In many stores, all products had to be fetched by an assistant from high shelves on one side of a counter while the customer stood on the other side and pointed to what they wanted. This was obviously labour-intensive and quite expensive. The concept of a self-service grocery store was developed by Clarence Saunders and his Piggly Wiggly stores, and A&P was the most successful of the early chains, having become common in American cities in the 1920s. The general trend in retail since then has been to stack shelves at night and let the customer get their own goods and bring them to the front of the store to pay for them. Although there is a higher risk of shoplifting, the costs of appropriate security measures will be ideally outweighed by the economies of scale and reduced labour costs. The first true supermarket was opened by ex-Kroger employee Michael J. Cullen, in 1930 in a 6,000 square foot (560 mІ) former garage in Jamaica, Queens, New York. The store, titled King Kullen, following King Kong, operated under the slogan "Pile it high. Sell it low." When Cullen died in 1936, there were fifteen stores in operation.
Creativity: Most hobbies require creativity and developing creativity through a hobby can transfer directly into creativity at work. There are not many ways on the job to develop creativity and this skill is extremely important in today’s business world. In job interviews I always ask people what they do for fun because it provides great insight into their personality, creativity and passion.Confidence: Hobbies build confidence because being good at something and learning something new is very rewarding. Job roles and responsibilities change so often we are often faced with learning new things. The confidence you gain from challenging yourself in your hobby can help prepare you for learning new things at work.Reduce Negative Stress: Getting caught up in something you enjoy doing is great for relieving stress because it refocuses your mind on something that you enjoy. Hobbies that require some level of physical activity also create chemical changes in our body that help reduce stress but even if your hobby does not require physical activity you can still benefit. Getting a break from stress at work and doing something you enjoy can rejuvenate the mind and help better prepare you to handle the challenges in the future.Socialize: The internet provides endless ways to connect with people that enjoy doing the same things that you do. This is a great opportunity to meet new people, discuss your hobby and get more involved with bigger groups. Many of my best friends are people I have met through my hobbies and it is an easy way to make new friends when you travel or move to a new area. It is also a great way to make friends at work and in similar jobs at different organizations.Personal Development: I talked about creativity and confidence already but the personal development does not stop there. I currently work in technology and it is because of my hobby that I ended up here. I learned many skills, such as video/photo editing, writing, photography, web design, etc… that were a complete byproduct of my hobby. This will happen to you too. You may end up running a local club, maintaining a website, creating flyers, helping with fundraisers, etc… These all translate into real skills you can use on the job.