1. Scientists are still discussing the origin of the universe. Present continuous active 2. At the same time they were discussing the results of the experiment. Past continuous active 3. At 11 o’clock Jack will be repairing his car. Future continuous active 4. Stainless steels have successfully made their way into engineering applications.present perfect active 5. The use of metals had marked one of the greatest stages in the evolution of man. present perfect active 6. Tom will have finished this book by tomorrow evening. Future perfect tense active 7. The conquering Normans were greatly impressed by the industrial efficiency they found in England. Past indefinite passive 8. The Rolls-Royce motor car is known as the best car in the world. Present indefinite passive 9. English kings and queens have been crowned in Westminster abbey for about 1000 years.present perfect passive 10. The results of the research are being considered by alternative methods. Present continuous passive
1. They said they had a lift but very often it didn’t work, - Они сказали, что у них есть лифт, но он часто не работает. 2. He asked if I understood what he meant. - Он спросил, понимаю ли я, что он имеет в виду. 3. He said to be careful crossing roads and to remember that they drove on the left in England. - Он сказал, чтобы быть внимательней , переходя дорогу, и помнить, что в Англии ездят по левой стороне. 4. Mother said the children didn`t have to play with knives . - Мама сказала, что дети не должны играть с ножами. 5. She said Joan could keep that book, if she liked. - Она сказала, что Джоан может подержать книгу еще, если она хочет.
1. gives
2. saw
3. came
4. will be
6. went
7. will go
8. doesn't smoke, leads
9. takes care
10. live
1. принимайте витамины а, в, с каждый день.
2. ведите здоровый образ жизни, не курите!
3. не опаздывайте на мои лекции.
4. сходите к гинекологу, вы беременны.
5. study well!
6. don't use computer for long!
7. call a doctor now!
8. love and appreciate your life.