1. I don't have a colourful book.
2. He hasn`t got a new car.
3. Bob doesn`t have a new bike.
4. My granny hasn`t got a wonderful garden.
5. Sally doesn`t have a busy life.
6. My parents don`t have successful careers.
7. Bob hasn`t got a joyful dog.
8. Dan doesn`t have a free day today.
9. My grandparents haven`t got a beautiful garden.
10. The city doesn`t have a big green park.
1 Webster's Dictionary is a dictionary named after the American lexicographer Noah Webster
3The primary OZ item for accounting and given cut-off purposes is used in paragraph 8 of P (C) BO 7. Yes, prior to the initial use of the OZ facility manufactured in Ukraine, including: amounts distributed by suppliers (excluding contingencies)
4mouse devices - one of the pointing devices that allows the user to communicate with the computer through the interface. Other types of manipulators that reproduce hand movements are a trackball and a graphics tablet.
1. I don't have a colourful book.
2. He hasn't got a new car.
3. Bob doesn't have a new bike.
4. My granny hasn't got a wonderful garden.
5. Sally doesn't have a busy life.
6. My parents don't have successful careers.
7. Bob hasn't got a joyful dog.
8. Dan doesn't have a free day today.
9. My grandparents haven't got a beautiful garden.
10. The city doesn't have a big green park.
Объяснение о have/has, have got/has got:Если в утвердительном предложении после have/has стоит 'got', то это одна конструкция, и вы не можете сказать, например, 'He doesn't have got a new car'.
Утвердительная форма:
Отрицательная форма:
В зависимости от лица, ставите или have got (haven't got), или has got (hasn't got).
I, you, we, they + have (haven't) got
He, she, it + has (hasn't) got
Если после have/has ничего не стоит, это просто глагол, и в зависимости от лица здесь нужно поставить или вс глагол don't, или doesn't.
I, you, we, they + don't + have
He, she, it + doesn't + have