1. We would buy the house if it had a garden.
2. If you tried Indian food, I'm sure you would like it.
3. You would learn more if you worked harder.
4. If we rented a car, we could drive up to the mountains.
5. We would see our son more often if he lived nearer.
6. I wouldn't go to that restaurant if I were you - it's very expensive.
7. I would take you to the airport if my mum had the car.
8. I quite like cycling but I wouldn't cycle to work if I had a car.
9. Would you leave your country if you got a well-paid job abroad?
10. I love living here. I wouldn't be happy if I had to leave.
Примечание. В 4-ом предложении: если would "встречается" с глаголом can, то пишут could, чтобы не писать would can. В 7-ом какая-то ошибка: по логике должно быть просто have в скобках.
Play, goes, rides, have, says, is, lives, eat, has, am
I, you, we, they + базовая форма глагола
He, she, it + базовая форма глагола с окончанием -s/-es