If I Was On A Desert Island. It Seems To Me, To Get On A Desert Island Dreams Of Almost Every Student. This Is A Great Opportunity To Test Their Strength Of Spirit, Ability To Cope With Unexpected Difficulties To Live Undependently. I Would Like To Turn Briefly To The Unexplored Land, One In The Wild. I Would Definitely Take With You Matches Flashlight, Blankets And Camp Pad, Pocket Knife, Canned Food, Bait, Compass And Many Other Objects That Live On The Island Much Easier.
Надеюсь я вам Текст я сама придумала :-(! Удачи вам в учёбе :-).
1. - Elisabeth
BEGAN to work at the pub,
2. - Tania and John HAVE just COME home with Anne.
3. We
VISITED the Museum in London.
4. -Hector HAS already SOLD his old car.
5. - My Son
LEARNED to play the guitar.
HAVE NOT MET my boyfriend yet.
7. -Tania
SENT me a few messages today.
8. I
HAVE UNDERSTOOD these Instructions.
9.-The traffic
WAS terrible today on the roads,
10. -The President
OPENED the new hospital,
BOUGHT some presents for her sons.
HAVE you
SEEN the last American film?
13. - Martha
WROTE a nice poem at school.
14. -A gardener
HAS KEPT my garden beautifully.
15. I
SWITCHED on all the lights in the house.
16. - My cousins
FLEW to New York this morning.
17.-Leonor HAS not finishED her homework yet.
18.-Charles and you WON the competition.
19. You HAVE not tasteD my new recipe.
Я предположила, что вы проходите Present Perfect в сравнении с Past Simple. Надеюсь, мое предположение верно.