The first sound in his life was the murmur of the brook. Slow robocode, satisfied. First light in his life was stained with silver beam spring moon. The moon was getting low, a moment later over the horizon wyner- nulo the sun and sent its first beam through a long stone Ko the corridor has to foot Wrench, Allen stone in the center grey Col CA menhirs. Thirteen times struck his heart, until the child looked into the eyes of the priestess of the great Goddess, the Almighty of Sulevi, the wave of the hand which Roy inflamed and gas fire war, and the rivers changed their courses. For- the sacred Golden knife fell, shedding of sacrificial blood. But this blood was the blood of most of Sulevi, and not an obscure new- born baby. And the blood touched his lips before breast milk. Which cerned he did, however, have not tried, because he got out OK- revovling the altar. Got a child, but not a baby, and the mA- white six-year-old. And then his thick black hair was prebrodila the first gray hair..."
And it was, Mam? "And there was. I heard the story from his granddaughter Eileen young- our priestesses, which saw six-year-old baby and the death of Sulevi...
"...And when the time came the naming, the boy went into the forest. And appeared to him by night wolf, Nightingale, salmon, Merlin and the dragon. And promised the wolf, which will make it strong, tireless and vanoli- the first, which will give him the freedom and pride that will be it power not to yield the road to anyone, except forest fire, flood, Yes mountains aqueous collapse. And promised Nightingale, which will make it free and joyful, not to touch his spirit no grief and reproach, that the world will be him in the RA- weal, and he and his songs - joy to the world. And promised salmon that will make it a part of nature, will tell all its secrets and mysteries that will help him to dive to the very roots of Mi- world tree and learn the secrets of existence. And promised Merlin, which will make it able to fly and soar in the height along with the cruise from birth that his eyes will be Pro- to nicati all corners bezvestnogo the world, and the spirit - cool and calm tion, as the air of the mountain heights. But the dragon didn't want to promise anything. Just flashed a bloody crimson- CEM scales and silently said, you choose, Yes do not be mistaken in his choice, for the lives of many depend on this choice! Returning in the morning to the people, the boy said his name was Merlin. On the right his shoulder was really toporder feathers tattooed young black but gray Gyrfalcon. But on the right wrist, the elbow, smiled wise head the red dragon..."
- Mam, but I've never heard of! - You never know what you haven't heard... It was so, I'll go- speak! As a healer Ceridwen gave Merlin the love potion and slept with him, heard? Here is her grandson and told. I was in Rouen, when he told this part of the legend. - And how could it have failed to recognize - with the sign of the dragon?.. - Why and found out...
"...And he left the lake district, when the time came wandering, and his way lay to the South. And was not the way the long and dangerous - not Dol- above and no more dangerous than other paths leading to the heart of Logres in place, what is called the Crystal Cave. Not everyone has opened the door in the fry- dotacje forces, but the young Merlin didn't interfere. And he remained in the Cave for three of the moon, and then another three, that you- learn the tricks of the led only to the initiated. And faces of the crystal- tion eggs've seen his dreams and gave Merlin dreams of those who dreamed here before. Not opened the Cave to him the past and future, not lay heart of the Falcon to this, but opened his eyes so he could see the light the essence of things. And when the Cave was left behind, laid before Merlin three to the horns. Animal trail in the wilds of the forest, where his power would be a single with the power of the forests, animals and birds, with wisdom Druantia Green; mustache- Panna sharp stones of the mountain trail daring Bronagh who you are the call of the sea and the heavens, and those who resist them; dusty trail, Ko Torah went Fion mighty-armed one, before climbing to heaven and be cast down from there to the throne Gitin, Lloris and Lioness. Merlin didn't choose any of these trails, for alien they would- if lost, the young magician. He smote the rock on rock, and born in the sparks opened his own way. And the Guard at first didn't want to put him on this path and began to fight with a magician. But when the battle was torn robe the Krech- that, and opened for Guardian sign - off he retreated, not daring re- treat animals..."
"So that's what the sign said... - Of course. - Mam, and if... - If no "if"? It is foolish to believe the tales of bards, but not to believe them - even sillier, Morra.
2. am having
3. am going to take off
4. is flying
5. is going to be
6. won't let
7. am going
8 will snow
1. am having
2. stayed
3. have seen
4. went
5. were
6. went
7 tasted
8 are visiting
9 will like