1) a) Nobody knows when this fact was discovered.
b) Christopher Columbus disocvered America in 1492.
2) a) 'Battle of the Books' was written by him too.
b) Jonathan Swift wrote 'Gulliver's Travels' in the eighteenth century.
c) Who built the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow?
3) a) A lot of strange animals were painted on the wall. We couldn't see all of them.
b) Mr Woodriff painted very good portraits when he was younger.
4) a) Mrs Pitkin didn't show me her garden when I came to visit her.
b) The small island is not shown on the map.
5) a) It was built to make the telephone and television system of the British capital better.
b) The Post Office Tower in London was built in 1964.
Она смотрит телевизор - She watches TV
She was watching TV all last night (Past Continuos + указательное слово)
She watched TV yesterday (Past Simple + указательное слово)
She watches TV every day (Present Simple + указательное слово)
She is watching TV now ( Present Continuos + указательное слово)
Они не катаются на велосипеде - They don't ride a bike
They were not ride a bike last night (Past Continuos + указательное слово)
They did not ride a bike yesterday (Past Simple + указательное слово)
They do not ride a bike every day (Present Simple + указательное слово)
They are not ride a bike now ( Present Continuos + указательное слово)