Ты расскажешь мне правду! *
You will tell me the truth
Я обещаю, что перезвоню тебе завтра. *
I promise I will call you tomorrow
Я бы предпочла остаться дома, чем идти с ней по магазинам. *
I would prefer to stay at home rather than go shopping with her
Не мог бы ты перезвонить ей завтра? *
Would you call her back tomorrow?
Может, закажем еду на дом и посмотрим фильм? *
Shall we order in and watch a film?
Хотелось бы, чтобы они перестали постоянно опаздывать. *
I wish they would stop being late all the time
Я бы проводил больше времени с семьей, если бы не был так занят на работе. *
I would spend more time with the family if i weren't so busy at work
Я бы выпила чашку капучино. *
I would like a cup of cappuccino
1 картинка:
The first picture shows a doctor. he heals sick people. The doctor works in the hospital, along with other doctors. I like; I don't like this profession because ... (дальше на ваше усмотрение)
the second picture shows a teacher. he teaches children. The teacher works at school, along with other teacher and headteacher. i like; i don't like this profession because... (дальше на ваше усмотрение)
3 картинка:
The third picture shows the hairdresser. She works in a beauty salon, along with other hairdressers. i like; i don't like this profession because (дальше на ваше усмотрение)
4 картинка:
at the fourth picture shows a baker. He bakes bread. The baker works in a bakery, along with other bakers. i like; i don't like this profession because... (дальше на ваше усмотрение)
5 картинка:
The fifth picture shows an actor. She play in performances. She works in the theatre, along with other actors. i like; I don't like this profession because... (дальше на ваше усмотрение)
Would mean, или А