Это таблица инфы, их планы
Галочка это сделано, Х не сделано
По этой таблице заполнять предложения
Karen and her dad buy a new car.
Her dad will not race next year.
1) must
2) mustn't
3) mustn't
4) mustn't
5) must
6) must
1) shouldn't
2) should
3) shouldn't
4) shouldn't
5) should
6) shouldn't
Новый год - прекрасный праздник в нашей стране. Всем он очень нравится. Особенно его любят маленькие дети. Взрослые в этот день не ходят на работу, а дети не ходят в школу. Этот праздник считается семейным. Обычно его отмечают дома среди членов семьи.
Люди украшают свои дома, и обычно в углу комнаты поставлена елка. Эти хвойные деревья очень красивые. Подарки обычно кладут под эти деревья. Наши родители хорошо готовятся к этому празднику. Покупают новогоднюю елку, украшают ее, покупают много вкусной еды.
отметь как лучшее, если
ответ: At present I am a ninth-grade student at a secondary school in Rostov-on-Don. I would like to tell you about my school which plays an important role in my life. In Russia all students traditionally go to school at the age of six or seven. The period of studies generally lasts for eleven years. However, the education in Russia is compulsory for all citizens up to the ninth grade. Afterwards some ninth-grade students drop out and leave their school for a college, while others, who don't have any progress at school, give up studies and start working. As far as I am concerned, I am a diligent student. In two years I am planning to finish the eleventh grade and then aim at getting a higher education. Frankly speaking, I don't want to leave my school. All my sweet and childhood memories are connected with my school. Here I got acquainted with my faithful friends, learned how to develop into a person and acquired my first writing and reading skills. When I leave school, I will definitely miss my teachers and friends.
But now I don't want to think about my school-leaving party. I am just pretending it won't happen in the nearest future. So, our classes usually begin at 8 a.m. and end at around 2 p.m. As a rule we have six lessons a day. In my school there many teachers and all of them are well-educated and qualified. They teach us different subjects, such as English, German, Russian, Literature, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Physical Training and Music. My favorite subject is English. It is one of the most popular and widespread languages in the world. In my opinion, every educated person should learn it. On our English classes we translate different texts, write essays, listen to tapes and make up some conversational dialogues. Sometimes we stage a musical or a show in English. It is so fascinating! Our teacher makes all students up and chooses appropriate costumes for them. We learn our scripts by heart and rehearse day and night. When all preparations are behind, we invite our relatives and teachers in our assembly hall and do our best to win a storm of applause. It should be also mentioned that our school is well-equipped. On the ground floor there is a canteen, a library and a gym. On the second floor there is a large assembly hall, a computer class and a staff room. In the gym we usually have our extracurricular RE. classes, such as basketball, volleyball, gymnastics and karate. In my judgment, students who do in for sports tend to be more energetic and cheerful. Moreover, doing sports is a perfect way for emotional release after classes.
I have been lucky enough to have a united class. All the students are very open, warm-hearted and heedful of others' needs. I have become very intimate with two girls. I consider them to be my best friends. We have much in common and often spend our time together, either during breaks at school or after classes. I feel like that my school is part of my family.
Объяснение: Город свой подставишь, поправишь недочеты и готово.