1. Excuse the mess, the house (is being painted) now. 2. For a long time the earth (was believed) to be flat. 3. We (have spent) a lot of money on advertising campaign. 4. the flight (is delayed) for two hours due to the accident threat. 5. This kind of jacket (is considered) very fashionable these days. 6. A number of attempts (have been made) to find the Loch Ness monster. 7. Most people agree that America (was not discovered) by Columbus. 8. I looked again for the old man, but he (had vanished). 9. If there is too much snow, the match (will be cancelled). 10. The exact time of the match (has not been decided) yet. 11. It (was announced) yesterday that the government has decided) not to raise income tax. 12. They (searched) his house and (found) a number of stolen articles. 13. It (was reported) yesterday that the sides (had reached) an agreement on the terms of the contract. 14. The office worker (is dismissed) as he (has been stealing) company property ever since he (was appointed).
Списывать, конечно, плохо. Но я считаю, что на уроках русского языка списывание поднимает планку грамотности, потому что ученик, списывающий с текста, видит перед собой правильно оформленную письменную речь. Кстати, шпаргалка - это один из видов письменного задания. PS: сама списывала математику, так как не всегда могла решать примеры.To write off, of course, bad. But I think that the lessons of Russian language cheating raises the bar for literacy, because the student, written off from the text, sees a properly designed writing. By the way, the cheat sheet is one of the types of writing assignments. PS: she cheated mathematics, as not always able to solve the examples.