2. professor
5. biologist
6. physicist
1. report
2. learning
3. state
4. changing
5. head
6. education
7. private
8. results
Beloved mom and dad. I congratulate you on St. Nicholas Day! I wish you love, prosperity, sincerity and kindness on this holiday. I wish you to spend this day unforgettably, exchanging gifts and pleasant compliments. I love you very much and congratulate you once again!
Любимая мама и папа. Поздравляю вас с Днем Святого Николая! Желаю в этот праздник вам любви, благополучия, душевности, добра. Желаю вам сегодня этот день провести незабываемо, объмениваясь подарками и приятными комплиментами. Я вас очень сильно люблю и еще раз вас поздравляю!
Games and playing are very important for children. They use CREATIVITY and imagination on the playground. Kids also learn social skills there. So breaks between classes play a REALLY important role in kids’ education. SCIENTISTS say having little playtime is harmful for children. They studied more than 10,000 elementary school children in the US. The results are: if children play less than 15 minutes during the day, their BEHAVIOUR becomes worse. What’s more, they have poorer marks in international tests. But UNFORTUNATELY in most schools more attention is paid to classes and results, not games.
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