Usually we have our physical training lessons either in the gymnasium or on the sports ground. Our sports ground is situated behind the school. On the sports ground there are a football field, a volleyball ground and a basketball ground.
Before the PT lessons we put on our sports uniform. After we have changed our clothes, we go to the gymnasium and line up. At the beginning of the lesson we usually do gymnastic exercises. Then we pull up, jump, climb the rope.
On the sports ground we run. Sometimes we throw balls. We often play sports games at the PT lesson. All the boys in our form like to play football. But our girls prefer to play volleyball or basketball.
In winter at the PT lessons we ski. We ski on the sports ground or in the park. Sometimes, if the weather is cold, we go to skate at the skating rink. The boys play hockey on the sports ground too.
Many boys and girls of our form attend various sports sections. I also attend a sports section in swimming. Three times a week I go to the swimming-pool. Some of my friends go in for tennis, track-and-field athletics, boxing and other sports.
The squirrel is a small fluffy animal! It has small black eyes, but a very large and fluffy tail. In the summer it is red or curly - brown, but in winter the summer coat disappears and becomes gray. With this, it can easily hide in the winter from predatory animals. elongated form, ending with a fluffy tail, which is constantly covered with thick fur. In length, it sometimes exceeds the size of the body, but most often they coincide: the tail and body reach from 20 cm to 31 cm. The forelimbs of the animal are somewhat shorter than the hind ones, which is very noticeable when the protein starts to feed. Both on the hind legs and on the front paws, the longest is the 4th finger. In size, it is an average and small animal. Our ears are large, elongated, sometimes with a tassel at the end.
y kazakhstan