Japan is a country in East Asia, the capital is Tokyo.
The population of Japan is 130 million people.
The highest peak in Japan is Fuji Volcano.
The name of Japanese Prime Minister is Naoto Kan. Naoto Kan, a hot-tempered and emotional leader, who is a physicist.
Flag of Japan called "Nisseki" or another "sun flag". Flag of Japan resembles white canvas with a big red circle in the middle.
At the Japanese island Honshu has 5 parks. Nikko Park is known for volcanic mountains, same there is a lake from which flows a waterfall.
There is a popular singer Akiko in Japan, she creates and performs her own songs, so she has created music for games. There is also a popular model and muzykantka Mans.She organized its own project. Man has many tools.
Japan called developed country with high living standards.
He has finished training.
We have watched all the Champions League matches this season.
She has bought some really nice rollerblades!
Mary has studied hard this year, so she'll pass.
Как образуются предложения в Present Perfect:
Положительные предложения:
Сущ.+have/has+глагол с окончанием ED(если же глагол неправильный, то ставим глагол в третью форму)
She has lived in the USA for five years.
Отрицательные предложения:
Сущ.+have/has+not+ глагол с окончанием ED(если неправильный глагол, то ставим в третью форму)
She hasn’t lived in the USA for five years.
Have/has+ сущ.+глагол с окончанием ED(если неправильный, то также в третью форму)
Has she lived in the USA for five years?
Мы используем HAVE с местоимениями: I, WE, THEY, YOU
Используем HAS: HE, SHE, IT
Japan is a country in East Asia, the capital of Tokyo.
The population of Japan is 130 million people.
The highest peak in Japan is Fuji Volcano.
Japanese Prime Minister's name is Naoto Kan. Naoto Kan is a hot-tempered and emotional leader, who is a physicist.
The flag of Japan is called "Nisseki" or "sun flag". The flag of Japan resembles the white canvas with a big red circle in the middle.
There is an island Honshu in Japan, there are five parks on the island. Nikko Park is known for volcanic mountains, also there is the lake, from which the waterfall flows.
In Japan there is a popular singer Akiko, she creates and performs his own songs, she has created music for games. There is also a popular model and a musician Mana. She has organized her own project. Mana can play many instruments.
Japan is called a developed country with the high living standarts.