A tailor makes and fixes clothes. A farmer looks after animals or grows food on a farm. A doctor helps you get better when you are sick. A babysitter looks after small children. A teacher teaches children in a school. A plumber fixes things like pipes or toilets. A fireman fights fires.
Портной создает и улучшает одежду. Фермер присматривает за животными или выращивает еду на ферме. Врач вылечиться, когда ты болен. Няня присматривает за маленькими детьми. Учитель учит детей в школе. Сантехник исправляет такие вещи, как трубы или туалеты. Пожарный борется с пожарами.
Hello!My name is .I want to be important because it is so good.You can be so importantperson.And everyone can want take photos with you.
They may want to take autographs from you.And everyone can know you.Everyone can say about you.About your family.Then it is because that when you f.e go to somewhere you can stay at this plase.Snd at this placemalso can know about you.Again then can want take photos with you.Again they can want autographs from you.Then you can have so many money. хотя зачем это?☺Then you can buy with so moneys so big house.Then when you want to go somewhere f.e Paris you can go to this place .You can be in so many countries. You can travel to be so and again so importsnt person.Then after you can be importent uour children.Then after him or her can be their children.Bye again my name is If after so many times you hear this name you can know that it is about me.
2) Achieve
3) Amazing
4) Loyal
5) Passion
6) Determination