Has anything changed in your school/class/ daily routine this year? How do you feel about it? What was your favourite summer holiday like? ? What's your hobby? When did you start it?
Well, that's not easy to survive in jungle. at first, call lufwaffe to help you in a hard situation. you also need to have fireplace-you could cook some fresh beef anuses. take medcine with you. you must to cure your wounds, right? don't forget about food and clean water. the best food you can take with you is a canned poop, canned bowels of somebodys grandpa. no human can survive without this things. if you could sleep in a jungle, take your gay-friend with you. it will tickle your dick. oh, right! don't let the snakes bite your buttex and everything would probably be fine.
1. jane was watchingtv while i was watering the plants. 2. jan asked nina out yesterday but she had already made plans. 3. who were you talking to on the phone when i came in? 4. yesterday evening i didn't meet my friends l after i had finished my homework. 5. dina had been working on the computer for 3 hours before she started getting ready to go out. 6. two days ago ann returned the book i had lent her. 7. owen was typing his essay when the computer crashed 8. jame had been painting the house for hours before he took a break.