Сион или прослушивания по радио. Существует один очень важная новость в этот вечер. Именно это. "На Западе Англии этот вечер, сотни полицейских ищут человека, который сбежал из Принсвилля тюрьме в начале этого. Утро. Имя человека является Эдвард Кокс. Ему 30 лет. Шесть футов высотой, и имеет черные волосы и синие глаза. он одет в темно-синюю тюремную униформу. полиция не думаю, что он может проживать бесплатно очень долго. он лишь на несколько градусов выше нуля и идет снег. " Радиоприемник в дорогом пабе в Сохо. в центре Лондона. Большинство людей там не очень заинтересованы в программе новостей, но один человек. Его зовут Эрик Мастера. Он составляет около 45 и носит очень дорогую одежду. Он выглядит очень бояться-то. Существует еще один человек, стоящий рядом с ним в баре. Мастера просит ему вопрос. "Они сказали имя человека было Кокс? "Да. Вот так. Кокс ... Эдвард Кокс. Почему? Вы его знаете? "Простите? "Вы знаете его?
1.Your friend is doing his homework now. Is your friend doing his homework now? Is your friend doing his homework or doing exercises? Your friend is doing his homework now, isn`t he? Who is doing homework now? Whose friend is doing homework now? What is your friend doing now? When is your friend doing his homework? (Why is your friend doing your homework?) 2. Your friend goes to school in the morning. Does your friend go to school in the morning? Does your friend go to school or to the club in the morning? Your friend goes to school in the morning, doesn` he? Who goes to school in the morning? Where does your friend go in th morning? When does your friend go to school? What does your friend do in the morning? Can your friend go to school in the morning? 3. Look! The baby is sleeping. Is the baby sleeping? Is the baby sleeping or playing? The baby is sleeping, isn`t he? Who is sleeping? What is the baby doing? (Why is the baby sleeping? Where is the baby sleeping?) 4. The baby always sleeps after dinner. Does the baby always sleep after dinner? Does the baby always sleep after dinner or after supper? The baby always sleep after dinner, doesn`t he? Who always sleep after dinner? What does the baby doing after dinner? When does the baby sleeping? How often does the baby sleeping after dinner? 5. My grandmother doesn`t work. Does my grandmother work? Does my grandmother work or doesn`t work? My grandmother doesn`t work, does she? Who works in my family? Whose grandmother work? What does my grandmother do? (What is my grandmother? Where does she work? Can she work?) 6.My father isn`t sleeping now. Is my father sleeping now? Is my father sleeping or watching TV now? My father isn`t sleeping now, is he? Who is sleeping now? Whose father is sleeping now? What is my father doing now? Why is my father not sleeping now?
my family
working out
people being protective
bad grades