On March 3, the world celebrates the Day of Wild Nature, established to draw attention to environmental issues and intensify the fight against poaching.
According to the UN, the annual turnover in this segment of the black market is about $ 20 billion.
In Russia, those animals, birds and fish that are listed in the Red Book of Russia or are subject to CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) are illegally mined. In 2013, the Russian Criminal Code even introduced a new article providing for responsibility for their fishing and sale.
1. When I run, I'm very tired - когда я бегаю, я очень устаю. 2. I do not think that sport is bad - Я не думаю что занятия спортом - это плохо. 3. I believe that will be able to run tomorrow 300 meters at the Olympics - Я верю в то, что смогу пробежать завтра 300 метров на Олимпиаде. 4. I have to run fifty metres in fifteen seconds - я должен пробежать пятьдесят метров за пятнадцать секунд. 5. I enjoy when I jump rope - я наслаждаюсь когда прыгаю на скакалке. 6. I never try to run fast - я никогда не стараюсь бегать быстро.
According to the UN, the annual turnover in this segment of the black market is about $ 20 billion.
In Russia, those animals, birds and fish that are listed in the Red Book of Russia or are subject to CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) are illegally mined. In 2013, the Russian Criminal Code even introduced a new article providing for responsibility for their fishing and sale.