1) Who is bigger, an elephant or a whale? (Кто больше, слон или кит?)
2) I think it to be more difficult (Думаю, что это более сложно)
3) I'm the happiest man in the world today! (Сегодня я самый счастливый человек на земле)
4) This information is the most interesting for me (Эта информация наиболее интересна для меня)
5) In winter the days are shorter and nights are longer (Зимой дни короче, а ночи длиннее)
6) Sunday is the least busy day for me (Воскресенье для меня наименее занятой день)
7) It's the oldest tree in our garden.(Это самое старое дерево в нашем саду)
8) I need more money. (Мне нужно больше денег)
9) Tomorrow is our last day in this city. (Завтра наш последний день в этом городе)
10) Ask me a more difficult question please. (Задай мне более сложный вопрос
1 Books … are very expensive nowadays. B ,which are our friends, (Non-defining, that is why with comma).
2 Martin… is very naïve for his age. B ,who is my brother, (Non-defining, that is why with comma).
3 People … abuse animals must be arrested. A who
4 Vivien … go as it was already late. It was getting darker every minute. A had to (Past Simple)
5 You … share this news with Col as he is your friend. A should
6 Sue wishes she … in a warm country now. B was
7 You should avoid … at him, he may critically react to that. B staring
8 It … summer, it … warm or even hot. A is, is
9 If we … a chance, we … the school project, but we’ll be very busy. A had, would join
10 If you … the diet, you … slim now. B followed, would have looked .
2.are (be просто граматика и нужно менять слово)