1) visited - past simple; они навестили наш город два года назад; 2) have been - present perfect; они никогда не бывали в Париже; 3) will go - future simple; на следующей неделе ты пойдешь по магазинам; 4) is not watching - present continuous; моя сестра не смотрит телевизор сейчас; 5) had bought - past perfect; я купил все прежде, чем я пригласил к себе друзей; 6) was not working - past continuous; мой сын не работал за компьютером, когда я пришел домой; 7) learns - present simple; он учит иностранные языки.
1) She has blue eyes and blonde hair2) I love bananas and pineapples3) Her husband, writer4) The coffee is too strong and it has a lot of sugar , and I like coffee without sugar5) Lunch was superb although I do not like to dine in restaurants6) You ask a man 7) It was a pretty young girl like a doll 8) I do not like the dark , so I turned on the light 9) Paris the capital of France 10) From morning till evening he was sunbathing on the beach 11) He went to school at the age of 6 years 12) The news surprised me 13) I do not like to spend holidays in 14) When you go to work in the morning ? 15) The elephant is the largest animal 16) As a child he played the violin and the piano 17) in the Baltic Sea water is always cold 18) You will find an exercise on the 10th page 19) In the past year, 2 Elizabeth , Queen of England visited Russia20) Coffee is not popular in England , British tea predpochetayut