would you like to live in the city/country? work in pairs. you are leaving for the city/village tomorrow. make a list of things you are going to do. use the schedule below
Vladimir, a very beautiful city. There are many attractions, such as the Golden Gate Church of the Trinity, and more. This is one ofthe oldest Russian cities. There are beautiful parks and alleys. There are many rivers and beaches. I love a legend associated with the history of the most famous gorodaOdna urban legends connected with the history of conversion of the Golden Gate. In 1767, Vladimir visited Catherine II. But immediately get into the city to the Empress could not - according to one version, her carriage is stuck in the arch of the Golden Gate (despite the 5-meter width of the arch), on the other - Catherine simply afraid to pass under the arch, since that is in disrepair. After this incident, the Empress ordered to repair the monument and demolish part of the fortress rampart, directly adjacent to the walls of the gate to the city could enter freely.
Белый, синий и красный цвета с древних времён на Руси означали: белый цвет — благородство и откровенность; синий цвет — верность, честность, безупречность и целомудрие; красный цвет — мужество, смелость, великодушие и любовь. Кроме того в дореволюционные времена существовала другая трактовка значений этих цветов, например: белый — цвет свободы; синий — цвет Богородицы; красный цвет — символ державности. Было также толкование этих цветов, как триединства православной церкви, царской власти и народа, где: белый цвет — символ православной веры; синий цвет — символ царской власти; красный цвет — символ русского народа.