My favourite place in Minsk
I live in Minsk and I like living here. My favourite place is Maksim Gorky Central Children's Park, or Gorky Park for short.
The park is situated right in the city center, near Victory Square. It is one of the oldest and biggest parks in Minsk. There are a lot of trees here — pines, poplars ans alders which look fabulous especially in autumn. Adults and children usually come here to take a walk, feed the ducks or squirrels, or attend the amusement park that has a 56-metre Ferris wheel and different play areas and rides. My friends and I like riding our bikes here. If we get hungry, there are food trucks here.
I think Gorky Park is a great place for kids.
- Каждые полгода я чищу свои зубы у стоматолога.
2) Mym mom has just had her hair cut by a hairdresser in the town center.
- Моя мама только что подстригла свои волосы у парикмахера в центре города.
3) The car broke down, so we had it repair by a mechanic.
- Наша машина сломалась и потому, механик починил нам её.
4) Let's get a pizza deliver before the film starts.
- Давайте закажем доставку пиццы до начала фильма.
5) Did you get your book sign by the author.
- А ты получил автограф автора твоей книги?
6) Garry is going to have his face paint blue for the party!
- Гарри собирается разукрасить своё лицо в синий для вечеринки!