Самое главное в таких предложениях это помнить,что сначала пишем что/кто,а потом где находится.Переводим наоборот,с конца.
There is a boy (кто) in the room (где). - В комнате (где) мальчик (кто).
1. There are two windows in my room.
2. There is a teacher in the classroom.
3. There aren't any museums in the village/ There aren't any museums in the countryside.
4. Is there a computer in the room?
5. There is a book and some exercise books in my bag/There is a book and a few exercise books in my bag.
Тетрадь - a notebook, an exercise book, a drawing block, a workbook, a copybook.
Почему there is,а не there are,если там много предметов?Когда делаем предложение,смотрим на первое слово.У нас слово книга,единственное число,потому is.
6. There is some milk in the cup.
7. There was a good film yesterday. - Это время,потому нельзя использовать is и are.
8. There is a little water in the glass/There is little water in the glass.
a little - мало,но достаточно
little - мало,но не достаточно
9. There are lots of people in the park/There are many people in the park
10. There is much information today.
a) I am John. I go to school 5 times a week. In school I have friends Mary and Greg. They often visit museums with me. Mary likes animals and helps homeless animals. Greg do sports and jogs every morning. We go to the cinema every Sunday. I usually watch comedies but they like horrors. We enjoy spending time together.
b) I am John. I went to school 5 times a week. In school I had friends Mary and Greg. They often visited museums with me. Mary liked animals and helped homeless animals. Greg did sports and jogged every morning. We went to the cinema every Sunday. I usually watched comedies but they liked horrors. We enjoyed spending time together.
visited, was (3), appeared, survived, impressed, enjoyed, gained, charged, arrived, began, had
вторую форму глаголов p.s. можно найти в конце учебника, если у глагола отсутствует форма в времени в списке форм глаголов, то добавляем окончание -ed. у некоторых глаголов как put, в простом так и останется put.