все что я нашла............
Переведите данные предложения с русского на английский язык, используя неличные формы глагола: герундий, инфинитив, причастие I и причастие II.
1. Джон Рэй решил предоставить скидку на данный вид услуг.
2. Он устал ждать решения.
3. Менеджер обещал доставить товары вовремя.
4. Полученный результат бизнес-операции был удовлетворительным.
5. Менеджеры спорили, обсуждая условия оплаты.
1. John ray decided to give a discount on this type of service.
2. He was tired of waiting for a decision.
3. The Manager promised to deliver the goods on time.
4. The result obtained during business operation was satisfactory.
5. Managers argued, discussing payment terms.
1 She said that she was going to the seaside.
2 I hoped that the film would be interesting.
3 She told us that she had just bought the tickets to the cinema.
4 The waiter said that breakfast was served from 7 till 9.
5 He ordered that everything had to be ready in time.
6 He said that he was sorry that he had lost my ticket.
7 He said that it hadn’t been him who had taken my glasses.
8 He said that he was sorry for making me angry the day before.
9 He said that the weather was so cold but she hadn’t got a jacket.
10 She warned that the gardener was cutting the grass at the moment.
11 Ann told me that she couldn’t see me that evening because she had got a lot to do.
12 Caroline said that she was going to bed early that night.
13 The children said that they didn’t want to watch a film that night.
14 Sam told us that he wouldn’t visit his friend that evening.
15 Tom said that he received a parcel that morning but he hadn’t opened it yet.
16 Mother said that they might visit their grandparents that night.
17 Mother told me that she needed me to help her with the shopping.
18 Grandfather said that it had been a good time for his family.
19 She said that she hadn’t spoken to Mary since the year before.
20 He said that he would like to buy that coat.
Вот всё, что мне удалось найти.
UPD: eight.