Кто управляет страной?
Who rules the country?
Королева Елизавета Вторая.
The Queen Elizabeth second
Самая высокая гора Великобритании.
Highest mountain in Great Britain.
Бен Невис
Ben Nevis
Первый английский король
First English king
Альфред Великий
Alfred the Great
Hi dear Nicolle. Thank you for your letter . Hope you are fine.
Well, as for me I am doing ok.
As I told you before, I'm still keeping my active lifestyle. Besides, I go on teaching English my pupils. They tell me I'm good at teaching. Certainly, it helps me to develop myself farther and get new aims.
Nevertheless, I still have some troubles to find a constant pan-pal from foreign country. Of course, I mean English native speakers countries. I've been using different applications and meeting websites for half a year, but all was for nothing. People don't know each other, live very far, have different culture and personality. And it's so. And there's no one to blame here. We can read books, watch some movies or listen to some dialogues , but all this will never replace the life in a foreign habitat.
I guess, I'm extremely lucky to have a friend like you. You send me some letters as you find your spare time. This, in it's turn, sets me into cheerful mood, just makes me happy. I definitely continue to improve myself with your letters. They inspire me to move forward with the new energy.
I'm really grateful to you.
For my part, I wish you all the best, enjoy your life and get every success. I know you deserve it!
Thank you once again for your support. Hear you soon.
Sincerely your friend Ivan.
What is the capital of England?
Who is the queen of England?
What is the main language in the England?