APPETITE COMES WHILE EATING It is believed that a wonderful phrase came into our language from a novel by Francois Rabelais "Gargantua and Pantagruel". Among the conversations drunk someone of feasting was thrown a phrase: "the Appetite comes while eating", as said Angers Mansky; thirst during the drinking." Jerome d"Angers, Bishop Mansky was a contemporary of Rabelais, and probably a great lover to eat. It is unknown whether he spoke those words, or attributed to it's author, but anyway, good expression entrenched in the language, meaning that it is only necessary to start, and there will be involved and will understand everything the subtleties of the chosen case, there will be an incentive and desire. Sometimes people use the term and reproach: the more the person gives, the more he wants from you. Думаю так.
Hi. My name is Alex. Anastasia and Kira are my friends. These helicopter parents my name is Anton and Ksenia. Brother-Oleg, sister-Masha. My aunt's name is Lily, and uncle Alex-like me. In my class there are boys. Their name:Valeriy, Andrey, Roman, Denis and I-a witty and creative Alexey. And girls-Masha, Ksenia, Anya, Sophia, and Lisa. ПЕРЕВОД Привет. Меня зовут Алексей. Настя и Кира мои друзья. Моих родитилей зовут Антон и Ксения. Братик-Олег, сестренка-Маша. Мою тётю зовут Лиля, а дядю Лёша-как меня. В моем классе есть парни. Их зовут:Валерий, Андрей, Роман, Денис и Я-Олексей. А девушки-Маша, Ксения, Аня, София и Лиза. (МОЖНО ИСПОЛЬЗОВАТЬ ДРУГИЕ ИМЕНА, ЭТО Я ВЗЕЛА ПРОСТО ДЛЯ ПРИМЕРА)
1) are
4) was
5) have