1. It can not be that it is not admired. She was used to that it is always praised.2.Menya reproached for the fact that I was late and made everyone wait.3. The police accused him of that he set fire to the building, but he denied that he was there on the night of the fire.4.Dozhd comes in the morning and my car was so dirty that it needs to be washed before going further5.Govoryat that he was once a famous scientist. He used that to him to seek counseling.6.I objection to the text translated from the dictionary.7.Ona is not a reliable person. You'd better not count on it.8.Kazhetsya that he was not discouraged by his failure. He looks very confident.9.Davno time to carry her things to the cleaners. when it was last cleaned things?10. I wish you then forbade children to go to the sea11. Do you think it is worth buying these watches? Yes, they look fashionable.12. Hearing the noise, the servants slept upstairs, opened fire and wounded Oliver.
where is your friend? — he is at school. he is not at home. 2. michael has a car. his car is red.3. this book is on the table. put a book on the shelf.4. what’s that? — it’s a pencil. the pencil is long. 5. it’s a bus. the bus is a big and yellow. 6. where is a dog? — the dog is under bench. 7. where is his son? — his son is at school. 8. the sun is shining in the sky.. 9. this is a street. i can see many cars and buses in street. 10. this is a tram. what colour is tramнасколько знаю вроде выйдет так, но лучше перепроверить