Countries * Обязательно
Name: Class: *
Мой ответ
1. Text the capitals to the coutries: (напишите столицы к странам) Czech Republic, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Russia, The United States, Turkey, Great Britain, Japan *
Мой ответ
2.Read the text and match the pictures(прочитайте и сопоставьте картинку с текстом ) *
Подпись отсутствует
Мой ответ
Подпись отсутствует
Мой ответ
3. Text about yourself (напишите о себе, имя, фамилия,из какой страны, что является столицей этой страны, увлечения, друзья) *
Мой ответ
Are there any peopld in the room?
2.There aren't any newspapers on the table.
Are there any newspapers on the table?
3.There isn't any picture on the wall.
Is there a picture on the wall?
4.There isn't any dog in the yard.
Is there a dog in the yard?
5.There aren't any children in the garden
Are there children in the garden?
6.There isn't any TV set in the bed-room
Is there a TV set in the bed-room?
7.There aren't any mistakes in the text.
Are there any mistakes in the next?