One day four friends strolled happily among the tall trees in the wood near the village.
As they were walking, one of the boys fell over.
When the others ran help him, they saw that there was a hole in the ground.
Next day they returned to the woods before school with torches.
One of them pointed his torch at the wall, everyone was amazed to see the walls covered with colourful pictures of horses, deer and oxen.
The friends ran quickly to school and told their teacher all about their fantastic discovery.
She called an expert who went immediately to examine the paintings.
Later that day, They were said that the expert had confirmed that the boys were the first modern people to lay eyes upon the famous Lascaux paintings, which were at least 17,000 years old.
They felt really proud.
A huge problem of adolescents and their parents now are: the unwillingness of parents to understand their children, the dependence of adolescents on subcultures, narcotic substances, etc. This is mainly due to the fact that the parents have “no time” for their children. In the meantime, they are trying to understand that yes how they find what is best not to find. Later, they begin to realize that this “Sorry, I don’t have time to play” simply says that you leave and do not interfere with their work, thus the teenager (mainly because of his transitional age) begins to behave as he did before, for example scandals, leaving home, trying to find someone who will have time for him. More attention and desire to talk with the child can help him, although the teenager himself may not notice this.