3)In ancient times, Venus was often thought to be two different stars, the evening star and the morning star — that is, the ones that first appeared at sunset and sunrise. In Latin, they were respectively known as Vesper and Lucifer. In Christian times, Lucifer, or "light-bringer," became known as the name of Satan before his fall. However, further observations of Venus in the space age show a very hellish environment. This makes Venus a very difficult planet to observe from up close, because spacecraft do not survive long on its surface.
5)It’s not certain, I’m sure that life can also be on other planets
Doctors, nurses and teachers make a great contribution to society. It certainly is. But for some reason, for example, famous players get much more. I don't agree with that. It's unfair. Doctors, admit, often save someone's life. Teachers teach the same future doctors, so that they can then get a medical education. I would add Fireman to the list of the most important professions. They certainly save the lives of thousands of people!! And it is not clear why, those who know how to kick the ball, get more of those who save your lives...
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