Ubu5 Выполни
Match the meanings: (Coequinte
значения) (выполняем письменно в
тетради) )
1. The group members call others
2. The members will be active on
3. The republican labour groups “Zhasyl el" help
4. They will take part
5. The main purpose of 'Zhasy el" is
a) planting trees, greening the territory.
b) the government to improve an ecological
c) to bring up the future generations to keep
greening of our country.
d) to live in healthy way of life.
e) organizing work of Expo 2017
- But here comes Mummy,
It's time for tea! Time for tea!
Time for tea! Come on!Com on!
Put you toys on the shelf
And run, run, run!
Oh dear, poor Sam!
He's not on the shelf.
He's there by the window
All by himself! It's windy today,
Look out! Look out!
Oh dear, poor Sam,
Can you hear him shout?
nəˈreɪtə: naʊ ˈwɪljəm ænd rəʊz ɑː ˈpleɪɪŋ, juː siː
- bʌt hɪə kʌmz ˈmʌmi,
ɪts taɪm fɔː tiː! taɪm fɔː tiː!
taɪm fɔː tiː! kʌm ɒn!kɒm ɒn!
pʊt juː tɔɪz ɒn ðə ʃɛlf
ænd rʌn, rʌn, rʌn!
əʊ dɪə, pʊə sæm!
hiːz nɒt ɒn ðə ʃɛlf.
hiːz ðeə baɪ ðə ˈwɪndəʊ
ɔːl baɪ hɪmˈsɛlf! ɪts ˈwɪndi təˈdeɪ,
lʊk aʊt! lʊk aʊt!
əʊ dɪə, pʊə sæm,
kæn juː hɪə hɪm ʃaʊt?