1.You can borrow any book you want from my collection.
2.I've already read Oliver Twist, what other books by Charles Dickens have you got?
3.All of people in the village took part in the special festival.
4.Mrs Darling told Wendy and other children that Peter Pen wasn't real
5.Akbota decided to read another chapter from the Wonderful Wizard of Oz before she went to bed
6.All of the children sat around their grandmother to hear the story of Khan who turned into a grovel.
я написала в 4 вместо хёр - азер потому что с хёр это переводиться как: "мисис Дарлинг сказала Вэнди и её детям что Питер Пен не реален", это не сходиться потому что у Венди нету детей, ей только 11/12 в истории поэтому логичней подставить азер.
You bought a new car? Yes, i bought red one
I don't like this hat. Give me another one
The last exercise wasn't that hard than this one
My new computer works better than old one
Which job do you want? Well payed one