Contemporary life is impossible without reading. The influence of literature on people's mind is great. Regular reading enriches your knowledge of the world and helps to form your entire personality. But today most people use computer instead of book. According to school research,students choose computer to do their homework. Some people believe that books are more useful than computers. In conclusion, modern technology has many positive uses; it has made the world a smaller place by allowing us to contact individuals all around the world, many electronic devices are very cheap making it affordable to all and has also allowed people to find out about the news and incidents happening all around the world. But every good has some bad, and the extensive use of technology can be harmful to our health. I strongly believe that modern technology has been very helpful and useful to the human population. It has eased our access to information in very sustainable manner, and has connected the world together.
Colibri- the smallest bird in the world.Сolibri has a direct and long beak.It's very moving, provocative and quarrelsome birds exhibiting extraordinary courage in attacks on a relatively large birds, especially during hatching.Most species nest in trees, bushes; Some species, like the swift, saliva nests cling to rocks or leaves. Колибри-самая мелкая птица в мире.У колибри клюв длинный и прямой.Это очень подвижные, задорные и неуживчивые птицы, обнаруживающие чрезвычайную смелость в нападениях на сравнительно крупных птиц, особенно в период вывода птенцов. Многие гнездятся на деревьях, кустах; некоторые виды, подобно стрижам, прилепляют гнёзда слюной к скалам или листьям.