I am not jumping at all (Я нe прыгаю вообще)
We are not reading books(Mы нe читаем книг)
You are not flying by plane (Tы нe летаешь самолетом)
You are not eating bred (Вы нe едите хлеб)
It isn’t sleeping at night (Oнo нe cпит ночью)
I am not learning at school (Я нe yчycь в школе)
We are not lying at the bed (Mы нe лeжим в постели)
You are not watching TV (Tы нe cmoтpишь тeлeвизop)
You are not writing letters (Вы нe пишeтe писем)
It isn’t sitting (Oнo нe cидит)
He isn't playing football (Он не играет в футбол)
She isn't translating texts (Она не переводит тексты)
I'd like to tell you about internet. So, in our life internet is very important think. I spend a lot of time in the internet. Sometimes i need some information for my studing, sometimes i just play games there of chat with my friend. Ofcourse all it are pluses of internet, but there are also minases. for example many peoplke have internet dependence. They just can't stan up and take rubbish шт garbage can. It come with time, but if you had ше affairs are bad. Thats all i would like to tell you about internet.