Оберіть вірний варіант, заповнивиши пропуски у поданих нижче реченнях та використовуючи інфінітив або герундій. i wanted to walk but my friend insisted on there by bus. go going don’t forget towel to the pool with you to take taking i hope you manage when you are away at the spa hotel. to relax relaxing try to avoid mineral water – it smells like bad eggs. to drink drinking come in, the manager is looking forward to with you. meet meeting the tourist board plans more visitors next year. to attract attracting a friend suggested into samui resort hotel in thailand. to book booking she didn’t need too much to visit her country. to persuade persuading tom wanted for his colleagues before having breakfast. to wait waiting when i called reception they admitted a mistake. to make making
1) going
2) to take
3) to relax
4) drinking
5) meeting
6) to attract
7) booking
8) to persuade
9) to wait
10) making