I dream of becoming an artist in order to paint beautiful pictures and drawings.
When you look at books, school textbooks, you can see various pictures. Especially, I like the paintings depicting nature.
I want to learn how to draw beautifully, so that my works will be exhibited in museums and at various exhibitions.
I like to draw nature-related drawings.
We live in a small village with a forest in the vicinity. Therefore, the beauty of the forest, I know very well. In summer and autumn, we go to the forest to pick berries and mushrooms. And, in winter we go skiing and often help dad measure the height of the snow cover - this is due to his work.
How beautiful the forest changes in different seasons. In winter, all trees are dressed in a white and snowy outfit. And in spring and summer, deciduous trees rustle with green foliage. And, autumn is just splendor! The golden yellow color sparkles and pleases the eye.
I want to paint such pictures that will surprise and delight a person.
After graduating from school, I will enter the art school.