1. If I had were here yesterday , I would have come to see you .
2. If Joe had worked harder , he would have passed his exams .
3. If you had taken map with you , you would not have got lost .
4. We would have won the game if we hadn't played so badly .
5. If I had gone to the university , I would have studied medicine and become a doctor .
6. You would have crashed if you had driven more slowly .
7. You would have not slept badly if you hadn't drunk all that coffee .
8. If you had came on holiday with us , you would have had a wonderful time .
Подробнее - на -
This year, my parents and I went on a long-awaited trip to the Crimea, on the peninsula, which is permeated with pleasant notes of sea and mountain air. During our stay in this wonderful place, the weather made us happy with warm, cloudless days. The peninsula immediately struck me with a variety of views and landscapes: an unimaginable combination of the power of the mountains and the endless expanse of the sea. The sense of a fairy tale helps to create scents. The slightly salty sea air, combining with the persistent smell of the cedar forest, transports you to that very Pushkin seafront. I will remember this vacation in Crimea for a long time.
Перевод: В этом году я и мои родители отправились в долгожданную поездку в Крым, на полуостров, который пронизан приятными нотами морского и горного воздуха. За время нашего пребывания в это чудесном месте, погода радовала нас тёплыми безоблачными деньками. Полуостров сразу же поразил меня многообразием видов и пейзажей: невообразимое сочетание мощи гор и бескрайнего простора моря. Ощущение сказки создать запахи. Слегка солоноватый морской воздух, объединяясь со стойким запахом кедрового леса, переносят тебя в то самое Пушкинское лукоморье. Эти каникулы в Крыму я запомню надолго.