I think teenagers all over the world have the same problems. As for me, I get along with other students in my class rather well. They don't call me names, they help me if I need any help. I have no problems with my parents, too. I can invite any friends home. What I'm really fed up with is sharing a room with my younger brother. Sometimes I get so angry with him! My parents aren't happy about his marks at school. So I have to take care of him. I'm depressed of doing his homework with him every day. If I don't help him, my parents won't allow me to go out on Saturday evening.
1) The flying ball hit the net. (flying - причастие I, определение) Летящий мяч попал в сетку. 2) The exercises done by her were very effective. (done - причастие II, определение) Упражнения, выполняемые ею, были очень эффективными. 3) Being very busy I didn't come to my friends. (being - причастие I, обстоятельство) Будучи очень занятым, я не пришёл к своим друзьям. 4) The stadium built last year is very large and comfortable. (built - причастие II, определение) Стадион, построенный в году, очень большой и удобный. 5) The watched film impressed me most of all. (watched - причастие II, определение) Просмотренный фильм впечатлил меня больше всего. 6) The running athletes looked very tired. (running - причастие I, определение) Бегущие спортсмены выглядели очень усталыми. 7) She took her sleeping child and put it on the bed. (sleeping - причастие I, определение) Она взяла своего спящего ребёнка и положила его в кровать.