I live in the city of Aktau. I live near the largest shopping centre "Aktau". It is located in a modern building. There is a huge parking lot in front of the building.
Various shops are located on four floors of the building. Here you can find clothing, footwear and sports stores. We love to visit the Three Samurai store. My mom really likes the mini-shops on one of the floors of the entertainment centre. There is always a variety of fresh products.
On the ground floor, there is a large supermarket where you can buy all kinds of groceries and some household goods. At the other end of the first floor, there is a hardware store. The store sells everything from phones to the latest HDTVs.
There is a large food court in the middle of the shopping centre. Here you can taste national cuisine. There are cosy cafes there. Many people come here to meet their friends and talk over a cup of tea.
Children can visit the rides, and those who are older can go on an ice rink.
I love this mall.
Я живу в городе Актау. Я живу недалеко от самого большого торгового центра"Aktau". Он расположен в современном здании. Перед зданием огромная парковка для автомобилей.
На четырёх этажах здания расположены разные магазины. Здесь вы можете найти магазины одежды, обуви и спортивные магазины. Мы любим посещать магазин "Три самурая". Моей маме очень нравятся мини магазины на одном из этажей развлекательного центра. Там всегда есть разные свежие продукты.
На первом этаже находится большой супермаркет, где можно купить всевозможные продукты и некоторые товары для дома. В другом конце первого этажа находится магазин бытовой техники. В магазине продается все: от телефонов до новейших моделей HD-телевизоров.
Посреди ТЦ находится большой фудкорт. Здесь можно попробовать блюда национальной кухни. Там есть уютные кафе. Многие люди приходят сюда, чтобы встретиться со своими друзьями и поговорить за чашкой чая.
Дети могут посетить аттракционы, а те, кто постарше, покататься на ледовом катке.
Мне нравится этот торговый центр.
Nowadays, sport becomes more and more popular among not only young people, but also older generation. I am convinced that sport is a necessary part of human life as it keeps us in tip-top condition, improves our health and just is an interesting way to spend your free time. You may have already understood that I am also into sport. I love both individual and team types of sport. However, let me tell you about my favorite type of sport.
Football is the sport I like the most. When I was little, I usually went out with my father or my friends in our free time and played matches in the yard. At first, the game did not seem to me worth playing it. Most often, playing with friends at a small field gave me not too much joy. Though, it has changed some time after. As my dad is a big fan of a football, he once took me to a football match. I was only six and I did not like it at the start. Nonetheless, 20 minutes after it began to get interesting to me. I can still remember all the atmosphere of the adrenalin, victory and happiness at the field when the team scored the goal and then won the match. It was just unbelievable to me how thousands of strangers can become a one huge family in a few seconds and celebrate the win of their favorite team. After the match I had really mixed and exciting feelings. But they have not lasted too long, a few days later I said to my parents that I want to become a footballer.
Since that time, football has become an integral part of my life. My parents brought me to our school football team and there my acquaintance with professional football started. I was trying my best each training, and my skills were getting better and better. The most important, it was bringing me a lot of pleasure. Furthermore, I have found many new friends and like-minded people, who I can always rely on, so we have a really strong and friendly team. That is why we have already won a lot of local matches and even some regional ones.
I have always considered football as worthy of sacrifice. Whenever an opportunity arises, I go to a match. I often watch games on TV but I prefer to watch them live. Of course, I have a favorite team, it is Borussia Dortmund, and some football players whom I admire the most. They are Marco Reus, Robert Lewandowski, Jadon Sancho. The style of their game appeals to me the most, and they are true role models to me!
To sum up, football is my favorite sport and I would not trade it for any else in the world. In future, I plan to become a professional football player, so let’s see how it goes.
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