Dear Mum and Dad,
It's only our second day in London but I have a feeling that I left home ages ago. I still can't believe that my dream came true and now I'm here.
Yesterday our group went to Trafalgar Square and we visited the National Gallery. Then we went to the Houses of Parliament and I saw Big Ben! Next we walked across the Thames over Westminster Bridge and after queuing for half an hour we had a ride on the London Eye. Can you believe it?
Today we went to watch the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace and had lunch in St. James's Park. After lunch we took a bus to get to the Tower. I already feel mind-blown and I have so much more to see!
I leave it here because I need to go to bed early: tomorrow early in the morning we're going to Wiltshire to see Stonehenge.
I can't wait to tell you everything in detail and show all my pictures!
(ваше имя)
1) выключи компьютер. я не работаю-Switch off the computer, I am not working (present progressive)
2)Ты посмотри на него. Он не говорит. Он кричит.- Look at him . He is not speaking. he is crying (shouting) (present progressive)
3)Он может читать книги но не говорит по английски.- He can read books but doesn*t speak English (present simple)
4) сейчас он не пишет письмо. он пишет ответ.- He is not wtiting a letter, he is writing an answer now (present progressive)
5)все хорошо . малыш не плачет.- Everything is all right , the baby is not crying (present progressive)
6)в это время солнце не светит - The sun is not shining at this moment (present progressive)
7) погода плохая . солцене светит. The weather is bad.(present simple) The sun is not shining (present progressive)
8) он всегда спит долго. он невстает в 6 часов. - He always sleeps long. He doesn*t get up at 6 o* clock (present simple)