1 "Where do you live?" -Sue asked him. Косвенная речь:Sue asked him"Where do you live?"
2 "Have you done your homework?" -mom asked me. Косвенная речь:Mom asked me "Have you done your homework?"
3 "Will you go to the cinema tomorrow?" - asked Robert from his sister. Косвенная речь:Robert asked from his sister "Will you go to the cinema tomorrow?"
4 Mom asked from her daughter:"How many grades did you get yesterday?"
"How many grades did you get yesterday?" - asked mom from her daughter.
5 Anna asked me:"What music do you listenning now?" "What music do you listenning now?" - asked me Anna
Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки. Образуя Настоящее продолженное время.
The water is boiling. Can you turn it off? Lily is in Barcelona at the moment. She is learning Spanish. Can you hear those people? Are the talking about? What a good weather today. The sun is shining and we can go for a picnic. — Is it your brother at the shop? — No. my brother is taking the exam at the moment. Come on. We are already late. Everyone is waiting for us. Look, they are trying to get the car started. But it seems that something is wrong.