1. Were you born in in Murmansk?
No, not in Murmansk. I was born in Kursk .
2. Do your parents live in St. Petersburg ?
Yes, they do. My parents live in St. Petersburg .
3. Did you help your parents about the house?
Yes, I helped them about the house .
4. Were you good at mathematics (when you studied at school)?
No, not at mathematics. I was good at English
5. Did you help your classmates in English ?
Yes, I always helped my classmates in English
6. Did your mother advise you to become a seaman ?
No, not my mother. My father advised me to become a seaman
7. Did you attend the Navigation Club ?
Yes, I did. I attended the Navigation Club
8. Did you want to be a radio-officer?
No, I didn't want to be a radio-officer. I wanted to become a navigator .
9. Are you a second-year cadet?
No, I am not a second-year cadet. I'm a first-year cadet.
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