Биосфера, где существует всё живое, состоит из воздуха, земли и воды, однако человек продолжает наносить окружающей среде невосполнимый урон. В реки и моря выбрасываются тонны отходов с заводов, атмосферу загрязняют пары с фабрик, из-за которых уже не первый год идут кислотные дожди, из земли добывают слишком большое количество полезных ресурсов, не давая ей нормально восстановиться.
The biosphere, where everything exists, consists of air, land and water, but man continues to inflict irreparable damage on the environment. In the rivers and seas, tons of waste from factories are thrown out, the atmosphere is polluted by couples from factories, because of which acid rain has been going on for more than a year, too much useful resources are being extracted from the earth, preventing it from recovering normally.
N our family popular holidays are New year, Easter and women's day. But the New year we love the most. Two weeks before the first of January we decorate the Christmas tree with colored beads, figurines and candies. My mom and I are preparing holiday meals for almost a day because of a New year is always a lot. On New year we give to the relatives gifts.At midnight we turn on the TV and under the chiming clock to make a wish, congratulate each other happy New year. The new year is always very fun, because you say "As the year meet, so spend it".
The biosphere, where everything exists, consists of air, land and water, but man continues to inflict irreparable damage on the environment. In the rivers and seas, tons of waste from factories are thrown out, the atmosphere is polluted by couples from factories, because of which acid rain has been going on for more than a year, too much useful resources are being extracted from the earth, preventing it from recovering normally.