ответ:Turkey - Istanbul
Prague - Czech Republic
Tokyo - Japan
London - England
Объяснение:Turkey - Istanbul
Prague - Czech Republic
Tokyo - Japan
London - England
were talking8)Saw, was looking9)Was talking, loooked
2. It wasn’t a stormy night. The wind wasn't blowing.
3. He wasn’t sleeping. He was looking at the ceiling.
4. They were having a rest. They weren't working.
5. They were very happy. They were enjoying the party.
6. He was at home. He was watching a movie on TV.
7. He was getting worse. He wasn't recovering.
8. We were travelling in the north of Turkey when we were on
9. She was driving so fast when the accident happened.
10. I wasn't sleeping when you came in.
1. While they were travelling to China, Marco was keeping a diary.
2. Mrs. White was driving past a house in Main Street when she saw the ground floor on fire.
3. While he was flying off the Miami Coast, the pilot saw sharks approaching the swimmers.
4. The fireman was fighting the fire on a balcony below when he
heard someone’s shouts.
5. She died while she was running after a bus.
6. We were having dinner when the electricity went off.
7. She was thinking of something else while you were talking to her.
8. I saw her while I was looking out of the window.
9. While the teacher was talking, the students were looking at an insect on the ceiling.
ответ:Turkey - Istanbul
Prague - Czech Republic
Tokyo - Japan
London - England