I love my homeland Russia very much. She's so beautiful! Many famous poets of Russia wrote about her as their mother. "Frost and sun; a wonderful day! You're also asleep, dear friend. –It's time, beauty, Wake up; Open your silent eyes Towards Northern Aurora, The North star!"Pushkin wrote about winter landscapes of his homeland. Each of us should know and understand how important it is for us to have such a large and full of colors Russia. Love and protect your homeland and be sure - it will protect you too!
Я очень люблю свою Родину Россию. Она такая прекрасная! Многие известные поэты России писали о ней как о своей матери."Мороз и солнце; день чудесный! Еще ты дремлешь, друг прелестный – Пора, красавица, проснись; Открой сомкнуты негой взоры Навстречу северной Авроры, Звездою севера явись!" писал Пушкин о зимних пейзажах нашей Родины. Каждый из нас должен знать и понимать, как важно для нас иметь такую большую и полную красок Россию. Любите и защищайте свою Родину и будьте уверены - она защитит и вас!
I have a lot of friends. And I have the best friend. His name is Mark. Our parents are friends from their childhood. That's why we also friends from childhood.
Mark is tall and slim. He has a big blue eyes and dark medium hair. He has a hobby. Mark likes to play on computer games and games on his smartphone. I like it too. We understand each other. We like playing football in the yard and swimming in the pool. We also like similar school subjects. Both of us like mathematics.
I think that the most important in our life is people who understand us and help us in hard minute. I am happy that I have friend such as Mark.
1. 1. Has или have не видно местоимения, 2. Had, 3. Has, 4. Will have, 5. Had
2. 1. I don't have a cat. 2. My friend didn't have many toys in his childhood. 3. Kate doesn't have a new computer. 4. My parents won't have a lot of apples in August. 5. I have no idea.
3. 1. Did they have ... Yes, they had, 2. Will the butcher have... Yes, he will, 3. Do pupils have... Yes, they have, 4. Does my mother have... Yes, she has, 5. Will we have Yes, we will
4. 1. Has got, 2. has got, 3. Have got, 4. Has got