Make predictions. 1.People / go on holiday / to the moon 2.People / drive / flying cars 3.Computers / talk 4.People / live / in underwater cities 5.Robots / do / all the housework
People will go on holiday to the moon People will drive flying cars. Computers will talk. People will live in underwater cities. Robots will do all the housework.
1)This history tells us about girls who have gone to travel to London by train. 2)After a while Sara and Rachelle have arrived in Notting Hill. 3)The Girls took a look around and have understood that they have reached Notting Hill 4)Thousands of people lined the streets to look at parade. 5)The Procession began and girlfriends have seen people in colourful dresses which danced under music 6) But the storm has suddenly begun 7) Sora got separated from Rachel 8) But suddenly Sarah saw Rachel's umbrella 9) the Girls were reunited and had coffee together
A) I have been reading this book since last year. Я читаю эту книгу с года.( И можно также: I have been reading this book for a year. -Я читаю эту книгу год.) b) Omar has been playing basketball since he was 10 years old . Омар играет в баскетбол с 10 лет. ( т. е. с тех пор, как ему исполнилось 10 лет.) с) Jennifer has been working since 9 o'clock. Дженнифер работает с 9 часов. d) My friend's sister has been looking for another job for a month . Сестра моего друга ищет другую работу весь месяц. e) A group of tourists arrived at the hotel "Kazakhstan" an hour ago and they have still been waiting for the second group to come. Группа туристов прибыла в гостиницу Казахстан час назад и они всё ещё ждут прибытия второй группы.
1.go on holiday
2. drive
5.all the housework