Les Champs-Elysees-for many, acquaintance with one of the most famous streets of Paris begins in absentia, with the words of a song by Joe Dassin. The aroma of roasted chestnuts, luxury shops, cozy cafes are located from the place de La Concorde to the arc de Triomphe on a wide prestigious and at the same time elegant Avenue of Paris. If you haven't been to Paris and walked along the Champs – Elysees, you haven't been to Paris!
Перевод: Les Champs-Elysees – для многих знакомство с одной из самых известных улиц Парижа начинается заочно, со слов песни Джо Дассена. Аромат жареных каштанов, роскошные магазины, уютные кафе расположились от Площади Согласия до Триумфальной арки на широком престижном и одновременно изящном проспекте Парижа. Если вы, побывав в Париже, не прогулялись по Елисейским Полям – вы не были в Париже!
Ну нету объяснения)
My Dream
We all love to dream. In our childhood we had a lot of dreams and goals. They have changed much since then and have become more complicated and serious because our priorities have changed too. Now we realize that to make our dreams come true we have to be smart and successful and to work hard as well.
My father always taught me to explore the world with inquisitive eyes and a curious mind, constantly seeking to learn more and more, to understand more. That’s why my ultimate dream is to travel around the world, learn foreign languages and hopefully move to a sunny and warm place some day. I’d like to explore new cultures, traditions, business and cuisine. Travelling can be an invaluable experience for me, it can broaden my knowledge and help me to make friends with people from other countries. I think that my dreams are not just dreams, they are quite real if I don’t give up and move towards their fulfillment. Our dreams are in our hands, I’m sure.
I have another cherished dream which is more global, of course. I want to stop poverty on our Earth, to provide poor people with shelter and food, with proper education, clothes and water. I know that it’s not so easy. I want to support children and old people with essential things for life and health and I hope to stop their tears one day.
ответ:1 it is , it is
2. Her, it is
3. Your, mine
4. They, our
5. His, her
6. Their
7. You're