ответьте на вопросы по тексту❤️❤️❤️ Questions 1. Why are greetings and farewells necessary in every language? 2. What are important points in greetings and farewells for English people? 3. When do you use "How do you do?" phrase? 3. 4. What do two people meeting with a handshake on a fairly formal basis say? specially ting and he same vould be see that 5. What is the most common way of greeting someone both at an informal level and more formally? 6. What is the most common farewell? 7. What is the farewell among friends?
almost every person in the world has a computer. It is a very useful invention.especially the computer is indispensable in studies.in the Internet you can find a lot of useful information.for example, is there life on Mars or how many teeth have sharks.. Also it is very convenient to communicate with people who are far away from you. An email reaches to the recipient faster than a paper letter. Also, you can talk to your friends and family on Skype, to not only hear them but also see. the computer has many advantages, but do not forget that it may harm the eyes
Соедините слова слева с их определениями справа. 1-d. Выносить решение - Официально решить о том, кто прав в споре. 2-j. Семейные вопросы - дела, связанные с браком. 3-i. Усыновление - действие, когда ребенок официально становится частью семьи, в которой не родился. 4-f. Неправльный - акт, который является незаконным, неверным. 5-h. Претензия (-ии) - спрос на определенную сумму денег, компенсацию. 6-a. Опека - законное право или обязанность заботиться о ком-либо. 7-b. Травма - физический вред живому существу. 8-e. Судебный спор - процесс против кого-то в судебном порядке. 9-g. Доверительная собственность - имущество, которое передается одному или нескольким владельцам. 10-c. Попечительство - юридическая ответственность по уходу за ребенком, родители которого умерли.
almost every person in the world has a computer. It is a very useful invention.especially the computer is indispensable in studies.in the Internet you can find a lot of useful information.for example, is there life on Mars or how many teeth have sharks.. Also it is very convenient to communicate with people who are far away from you. An email reaches to the recipient faster than a paper letter. Also, you can talk to your friends and family on Skype, to not only hear them but also see. the computer has many advantages, but do not forget that it may harm the eyes