A long time ago, a great Baiterek tree grew in the Kazakh steppe. This particular tree was called the World Tree and united the upper, middle and lower worlds.
Maadai-Kara ruled gloriously, but when he grew old, he lost his power. One day he fell asleep, and his sleep lasted sixty days. When he finally woke up, his enemies were already close. He knew that when they got even closer, a terrible war would begin. Madai-Kara had a young son, Kegudei Mergen. To protect him, he decided to take Kegyudei Mergen to the Black Mountain and leave him where a poor Altai woman found him.
On the Black Mountain, a poor Altai woman took care of Kegyudey Mergen until he was ready to live his life on his own. When he became old enough, Kepudei Mergen left the Black Mountain on his horse and rode on the ground.
Kegudei Mergen freed all his people from slavery. He became the new ruler.He went down to the underworld, to the land where the dead live. There he fought Erlik, the lord of the underworld, and won.
Kegyudei Mergen freed all the good souls from the underworld, leaving behind only those who were guilty of committing terrible deeds during their lifetime. Kegyudey Mergen and his wife Altyn Kyuskyu ruled the country in peace and harmony for many years, marking the beginning of a new golden age in the human world
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