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2) Переведите существительное подберите нужный глагол His ….(білімі ) deep a) advise/ is b) money/ is c) knowledge/ is d) knowledge/ are e) lessons/ are 3) Дополните предложение местоимением …. is expensive nowadays a)everybody b)everything c)Nothig d)Something e)Somebody 7) Выберите правильную форму глагола I like to walk out and the stars at night a) to look at b) to look out c) to look up to d) to look for e) to look after 8) Выберите правильный вариант Prefix - patient a) in- b)im- c)ir- d)il- e) un 9) Найдите форму глагола Past paticiple (II) a) went b) wrote c) knew d) been e) teach 10) Выберите правильный вариант предложения в Presesent simple a)I not usually have lunch at home b) I usually have not lunch at home c) I doesn’t usually have lunch at home d)I usually have lunch at home e)I usualle hasn’t lunch at home 11) Вопросительное предложение дополните вс словом What subjects she good at ? a) do b) does c) is d) are e) has 12) Дополните предложение временным глаголом What --- to do at the end of the lesson ? a) Do you go b) Are you go c) Are you going d) Have you go e) Will you go 13) Определите какому времени глагола относится The coffee ( to taste) delicious a) Present continuouse / (is tasting9 b) Past simple/(tasted) c) Present simple/ (tastes ) d) Present perfect / (has tasted) e) Past perfekt /(had tasted) 14) To be going to нұсқасын көрсетіңіз a) will you come to my house please b)I probably will never learn this poem c)I am going to visit my teacher d) don’t get off the train untill e) He is doing his test now 15) Выберите вс слово Why you learning english ? a) do b) did c) are d) have e) 17) Укажите правильную форму времени Yesterday afternoon it was still raining when I got home a) past simple b) future in the Past c) past perfect d) past perfect continuous e) past continuous 18) К выделенному слову задайте нужный вопрос He is worried about the test a) who b) how c) what d) where e) when 19) Выберите верный вариант степени прилагательного She has job of all a) a difficult b) a more difficult c) difficultier d) the difficultiest e) the most difficult 20) Закончите дробное вопросительное предложение He is not twenty, …….? a) is he b) does he c) arent he d) isnt he e) dosent he 21) Найдите глагол форме Future in the past a) would written b) would write c) would wrote d) would writes e) would writing 22) Определите верный вариант относительного прилагательного во множественном числе a) Lady’ s b) Man’s c) Dog’s d) Pupils’ e) Principal’s 23) Выберите нужный союз Go……reading the story. I want to know its end a) on b)through c) about d) in e) out 25) Выберите правильный вариант Conditionals (условно изъявительное наклонение ) If my train is late I take a taxi a)will b) wont c) would d)wouldn’t e) will be 27) Выберите предложение «Used to” a)Do you want this or that one b) She used to play a lot of tennis before she broke her leg c) This terrible weather makes me angry and depressed d) Knowing English is useful e)Are they still waiting 28) Выберите правильный вариант предложения в Герундий a) I’m thinking of going to Brazil b) You need ed to add some more c) They are playing at the moment d) There are a fot of interesting things e) The new buidings are built 29). Определите нужное местоимение Would you like – more coffee? a) something b) any c) some d) anything e) every 30) Прочитайте текст, выполните задание. The famous lake loch Ness, which is situated in the North. What mysteries are hidden in the lake. Nobody knows but it is believed that a monster is hiding in the lake. It was seen for the first time in 1933 . Since then the Loch Ness monster has been seen at least fifty times . Once its huge eyes were seen. There is information in other periodicals that 2 monsters have been seen . May be the monster has a girlfriend and soon articles about its family will be written . Докончите предложение The Loch Ness monster… a) hasn’t been seen b) has been seen c) 5 monster have been seen d) a girlfriend monster has been seen e) The Loch Ness Monster has been seen 50 times.

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Привет! Это снова Маргарет Баркет. Сейчас 5 часов. Я у себя дома и готова приготовить ужин. Я часто делаю это на кухне и мои дети много мне Они всегда дома в 5 часов. Их занятия заканчиваются в 4 часа. Мой муж Гарри дома в 6 часов и мы готовим ужин вместе. После ужина мы смотрим телевизор, читаем книги или слушаем музыку. Иногда Салли играет на пианино и мы слушаем её. Мои дети не часто смотрят видео. Мы любим ходить в кино и мы часто это делаем по воскресеньям. Гарри и Джон выгуливают нашу собаку в 8 часов. Джон и Салли пьют молоко в полвосьмого и ложатся спать в четверть одиннадцатого.
4,8(20 оценок)
1. ...test, ...pressure, ...donor – blood test , blood pressure, blood donor; 
2. ...fall, ...melon, ...skiing – waterfall, watermelon, water-skiing;
3. ...house, ...grocer, ...salad – greenhouse, greengrocer, green salad;
4.  ...club, ...mare, ...shift – night club, nightmare, night shift;
5. brief..., suit..., book... –  briefcase, suitcase, bookcase;
6. paper..., plastic..., shoulder... – paper bag, plastic bag, shoulder bag;
7. ...bow, ...coat, ...drop – rainbow, raincoat, raindrop;
8. ...shine, ...rise, ...set – sunshine, sunrise, sunset;
9. ...works, ...sign, ...rage  –
10.  black..., floor..., notice... – 
11. ...light, ...break, ...dream  –
12. ...shake, ...writing, ...book – handshake, handwriting, handbook;
13. ...cube, ...berg, ...rink – 
14.  ...cake, ...present, ...card – birthday cake, birthday present, birthday card;
15. ...scape, ...lady, ...slide – icescape, 
16. ...car, ...center, ...ground – 
17. address..., visitor’s..., note... –  adress book, visitor`s book, notebook.
всё, что смогла 
4,5(29 оценок)
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